Christy Ezell 704-971-0873

Travel Advisor

What is your travel background?
I have had the travel bug for many years, even before I was lucky enough to find a career in the travel industry. It is so much fun to help plan people's dream vacations and to have my experience enrich every aspect of their trips.

What is your BEST advice for travelers?
Enjoy every minute of your trip, you never know when you will be back.

What is your favorite trip that you have taken? AND where are you planning to go next?
My favorite trips are Hawaii and Cabo. I love the Caribbean also! Hopefully my next trip will be somewhere in Europe.

What is your best travel memory?
My trip to Oahu last year is my favorite so far. It was a more cultural trip and we did things the locals would do. It was fun and interesting.

How many countries have you been to?

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